Megan + Jonathan's Engagement Portraits in Cuyahoga Valley Nationl Park | Akron, Ohio Wedding Photographers


Akron, Ohio Wedding Photographers on location in Cuyahoga Valley National Park for a Late Spring Engagement Session

With all the late snow and cold weather we have been having this spring in Akron, all the flowers (my saucer magnolia is just starting to bloom at the end of may) and most the wildflowers have been running weeks later than normal. Blessing in disguise with things shutting down and then opening up in time for the wildflowers.

Megan and Jonathan came up from Columbus for their engagement photography in CVNP. We visited one of the several hidden patches of wildflowers in the Valley and then headed to the Ledges. We are super stoked for these two’s New Years Eve wedding at Brookside Farms later this year!