Cindy + Tony's Backyard Intimate Barn Wedding | Columbus Wedding Photographers


Columbus Wedding Photographers at an Intimate Backyard Barn Wedding

Cindy and Tony had a remarkable backyard barn wedding in Delaware, Ohio. The day could not have been more beautiful and Cindy and Tony could not have been more perfect for each other!

Cindy and Tony like all things fun! When not working their tails off at work and to get their home and barn ready, they love bonfires, camping, motorcycle rides, kayaking, hiking, being with family, and spending time at home with their dogs.

Cindy and Tony’s wedding morning began cool and pleasant, with Cindy getting ready in their home and Tony getting ready in the barn. Cindy was explaining some of the history of her home - it began as a dairy farm. Cindy thought it was especially meaningful that she got to meet the original owners of the house and learn that they got married right in front of the fireplace in the home. Since Cindy and Tony acquired the property, they have been working exceptionally hard to restore the property and the barn. All of their hard work paid off - the place looked great and perfect for Cindy and Tony to commit their lives to each other.

After everyone was dressed up and ready, we headed to the barn for the wedding ceremony. We love to photograph backyard weddings - there is such a relaxed and intimate feel when people are getting married at a home. All the guests were having a great time around the fire pit and Cindy and Tony were enjoying their time and their guests.

Cindy and Tony had an emotion-filled ceremony as they committed their lives to each other.

Following the ceremony we had the opportunity to take photographs of the newly married couple on their property. We chatted about what they had done to the place and what their future plans were. It was exciting to see their vision for their life together.

The reception flowed back and forth between the barn and around the backyard fire pit.

For dinner, Tony’s pub and grille, the Crazee Mule, served absolutely delicious food that all the guests enjoyed!

Overall, friends and family alike had a fantastic wedding celebration. Cindy and Tony, we wish you the very best in you life together! It was an honor being your wedding photographers in Columbus, Ohio!