Together Tuesdays: Hiking in Springfield Bog


Akron Family Photographers Hiking in Springfield Bog

One of our commitments to ourselves and our son is to average one hike a week for his entire first year of life.

Since he was a week old (in January!!) we were bundling him up, throwing one of Brian’s coats over me and baby, and heading off to a trailhead! It has been quite the adventure to search out new trails - and figure out which trails are best for the time of year!

One of our favorite local trails in this part of Ohio is the Springfield Bog loop. It is your perfect, I want to just be outside for an hour trail that is five minutes from our home.

It is really nice to have a local trail to walk consistently. We get to see the micro changes that are happening to this particular ecosystem over the weeks, seasons, and years. I really like tuning in to the nuances of a particular area, and Brian and I both enjoy getting our blood moving a bit after a full day working.

It is also great for us to have a space where we can talk through what direction we want to take our business or any other crazy ideas that we have thought up!

Springfield Bog has some of the best prairie wildflowers in this area. From seven foot tall sunflowers to milkweed for the monarchs to wild bergamot to goldenrod, there is always something new to see and a different peak flower to observe.

Lately, Canyon has been OBSESSED with the different flowers. He absolutely loves to touch and play with the sunflowers and asters, feeling the petals in between his fingers and closing his fist around the little stems.

His other obsession is playing with a stick while we are walking. He has gotten so good, that he can go a mile without dropping his stick on the trail.

From the little, local 1.6 mile loops to the epic adventurous miles we put on in the mountains, we love any chance to get outdoors!