Tricia + Kyle's Summer Wedding at Springvale Ballroom and 100th Bomber Group | Wedding Photographers in Northeast Ohio


Northeast Ohio Wedding Photographers at Springvale Ballroom and 100th Bomber Group

Tricia and Kyle had a great Cleveland wedding and we were stoked to be their wedding photographers! They got married at St. Ignatius of Antioch Church in Cleveland.

Kyle and Tricia were in their spring semester of sophomore year of college at Tiffin University when they got paired up in a group project in their Macroeconomics class. This was the first time they have ever met. During the group project and the rest of the semester, Kyle and Tricia got to know each other and grew as friends.

During the summer they lost touch... but not for long because Kyle and Tricia were collegiate athletes they had to report back to campus earlier than the rest of the school. They were now in their junior year of college and they were both living on campus in there Senior/Junior apartments.

One day, Tricia and her roommates REALLY wanted to play wiffle ball (as if preseason volleyball wasn't enough), so they drove around the town to multiple stores trying to find wiffle ball stuff. Well no such luck! As they accepted defeat they went to go walk up the stairs in the apartment building, when in comes a group of guys with a wiffle ball bat and ball; they just came in from playing with. One of Tricia's roommates turned around and yelled " HEY where did you get that from?", with that they all stopped and turned around, right there and then Tricia and Kyle immediately locked eyes and smiled. They probably both could agree that they couldn't even recall what else was said between the roommates because they were so lost in each other eyes.

After this encounter, Kyle and his roommates went back to their apartment and noticed something different about Kyle; he just could not stop smiling! After putting two and two together, they told him over and over to text Tricia. Well that same night was his team's annual sleepover at the baseball field, where one of his roommates just couldn't resist himself to take Kyle's phone and text Tricia. Well after that simple text the rest is history…

For their wedding day, Tricia and Kyle got married at St. Ignatius of Antioch Church in Cleveland. The architecture of St. Ignatius was absolutely, with beautiful stained glass, arches, sculptures, and stonework. Friends and family were happy to see them commit their lives to each other.

After the ceremony, we headed over to Springvale Golf Course and Ballroom where Tricia and Kyle will be holding their bigger wedding reception next year. It was great to photography some classic shots on the golf course and out next to the willow tree with both the bride and groom and their wedding party.

Then we did photography at David Fortier River Park in Olmsted Falls. This is a very popular class location for weddings, especially being right next to Grand Pacific Junction, a wedding venue half a block away. Tricia and Kyle had a blast heading down to the river for photographs.

The night ended with a reception and dinner at the 100th bomb group restaurant in Cleveland. Guests were happy to celebrate Tricia and Kyle’s big day!

Tricia and Kyle - it was truly a joy working with you! We wish you the very best in your life together. It was wonderful to be able to be your wedding photographers!


Wedding Photographers: Brian + Joelle Photography - Wedding Photographers in Cleveland, Ohio
Ceremony: St. Ignatius of Antioch Church - Cleveland, Ohio
Reception: 100th Bomb Group Restaurant - Cleveland, Ohio